
  • Wednesday, 8 April, 2020
    Given current events, the Open Doors Day is canceled.For any further information, contact 963 69 43 51 Link to vídeo:  Presentación Colegio 2020  
  • Saturday, 26 May, 2018
    The adventure begins
  • Wednesday, 21 June, 2017
    On June 30 and July 1 will be held in the Auditorium of the Paul VI Foundation in Madrid the II Colleges Meeting of the Claretian Province of Santiago.
  • Thursday, 21 April, 2016
    Quick Start Guide to Educamos 2.0, for access by families (mothers, fathers).
  • Monday, 1 February, 2016
    Special Mention Award for our student Jaime Giner Busca, 6th primary, contest in the Mobility Week organized by the EMT
  • Monday, 18 January, 2016
    Week of Solidarity, From 25 to 29 January 2016.
  • Saturday, 16 January, 2016
    Parents School begins..The coming days 1 and 4 February, in the two groups.Hours 15:30 to 17:00 h.You are all invited !!
  • Thursday, 5 November, 2015
    26th November school board elections. More information circular sent by educamos.
  • Monday, 15 December, 2014
    (DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE INNOVACIÓN, ORDENACIÓN Y POLÍTICA LINGÜÍSTICA) Os informamos que las alumnas Anna Amelia García Ripoll, Ariadna Morente Gutiérrez y Ainhoa Pazos Martín, matriculadas el pasado curso en 6º de Educación Primaria en nuestro Centro y actualmente cursando 1º de ESO, han obtenido... [more]
  • Monday, 24 November, 2014
    El pasado 20 de noviembre tuvo lugar en el salón del Colegio la entrega de los Títulos Trinity College London. Todos los alumnos, que desde la Escuela de Idiomas Claret se presentaron superaron la prueba obteniendo dicha titulación. ¡¡¡ FELICIDADES A TODOS !!!