The Community of Valencia - Benimaclet is constituted on December 31, 1962 with the following members: Fr. José María Palau, who is listed as Superior of the Community and Director of the College, Fr. Albino García, Félix Santesteban, Fr. Eduardo Gimeno, P. Jesús Ignacio Bandrés, who starts his studies in the Faculty of Sciences, and Hº Víctor Lavilla.
The current Colegio Claret Valencia Benimaclet is located on the grounds of the old Rubio Academy, acquired by the Congregation in said year 1962, and opened with the name Corazón de María School. Later the name is changed by Claret Valencia School.
Given the existence of another Claret School in the western area of the city of Valencia (Fuensanta neighborhood), the current name of Claret Valencia Benimaclet School (Claret Benimaclet) is finally imposed.
From the date of purchase, the School has been improving its facilities with successive purchases of land and new buildings that has enabled it to grow and adapt to the requirements that the different teaching plans have been urging (1982 and 2009).
The members of the Community have provided over the years their services, in addition to teachers and educators in the neighborhood of Benimaclet, located in the northern area of the city of Valencia, to the communities of religious of the Hospitallers of the Sacred Heart and the sisters of Cottolengo del Padre Alegre.
In addition, the religious services demanded by the different parishes in the area have been provided
After these years, many religious have passed through their classrooms, but we can not fail to mention some of them, due to the imprint they left: Fr. José Miguel Celma, Fr. José Antonio Costa, Fr. José Domingo Pérez, Hº José María Gil, Alberto Elpuente.
At present the religious community is formed by:
- B. Miguel Marín Olivacmf (Local Vicar)
- P. Germán Padín Pradocmf (Local Principal)
- P. Diego González Castro cmf (Local Treasurer)
- P. Carlos Mª Sánchez Orantos cmf